Thursday, September 4, 2008

My kids

As much as my kids can drive me up the wall, I love them each to pieces. I have a little girl named Makenzie who is in first grade this year. She is a passionate, emotional soul who loves to learn and play with friends.
Preston is my four year old. He is such a boy...I love it!! He enjoys giving Mom and Dad hugs, Playing with trains, puzzles, books, etc. He is happy to be in pre-school with other kids his age.
Madison is our newest addition. She was born in May. Her siblings adore her. She is so laid back and sweet. She sleeps about thirteen hours a night, and is happy as long as she is fed on time.


Karen said...

Your kids are so cute! It doesn't get any better than a baby sleeping 13 hours in a row, that's great!

Marie said...

Nice blog Kristi. Cute kids. Post more stuff.